Week 2: Creativity


Module 1


September 28, 2022

This Sunday i took the time to visit Zürich kunstahus. There was a temporary exhibition by Niki de Saint Phalle. I was aware of her later work, the colorful and voluptuous women portrayed in sculpture of all shapes and sizes. These sculptures are great, but what caught my attention was her earlier work which I was not familiar with. She tried different methods to fire her creativity - example creating big pieces of plaster with bags of paint attached on them. She would then take a rifle or hand gun and shoot the piece repeatedly. The plaster would tear apart and the paint would scatter randomly over the piece. There was a quote where she described the experience. It went something like this

"when i shoot the art piece, it feels like I am killing something but at the same time creating something new - an art piece".

Shooting is associated with killing, but a new artpiece is born.

I see creativity going hand in hand with problem solving in general, not only in the artistic trade, but it also goes for accounting, prodcution or even orgnising your closet. To be able to solve the problems/challenges with creativity, I enjoy using different tools. One which I keep coming back to is the design toolkit by IDEO.  source for inspiration when you want to tackle a problem from a new perspective!

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