Week 11: Delivering a case study


Module 2


April 4, 2023

I've been working on an exciting project lately, which is a platform that aims to encourage Gen Z to donate more. The concept is to donate "a break" by donating the same amount of money as a cup of coffee to someone who needs it. Throughout the process, I have come to realize that building a case study is crucial in showcasing the work done and the thought process behind it.

A UX case study is more than just presenting the final design. It's about explaining the steps taken to arrive at the end result. In doing so, it's important to follow a structure that captures the key aspects of the project. The first section is the summary, which gives an overview of the project, its purpose, the targeted user-base, and the key deliverables.

The introduction follows, where I explain the concept I was working on and my initial thoughts on approaching the design process. Then, I dive into the research section, which includes competitor analysis, contextual and user research, and requirements gathering. This section should also touch on the research methods used, how they influenced the project, and any outcomes obtained.

The design section explains the design decisions made, such as color palette and accessibility, and how they were arrived at. It's important to include user feedback on the design decisions and how they influenced the design.

The iteration section includes any early prototypes created, how assumptions were tested, and how users reacted to the design. Finally, the conclusion section provides an honest reflection on the project's progress, any obstacles encountered, and the next steps.

Through building this case study, I've come to appreciate the value of showcasing the design process and thought behind a project. It's also a great way to receive feedback and identify areas that need improvement.

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