Week 4: Rapid ideation 1


Module 1


December 10, 2022

First round of rapid ideation session for the course. The Dixit card was giving + I added an newsarticle about robots in the home from New York Times (Leland, 2022).

I started off with used the brainstorming technique of 10 min brainstorming based on the topic of the newspaper and the card. In the form of creating roughly understandable sketches, rather concepts (https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bam/uicourse/Buxton-SketchesPrototypes.pdf).

Among the ideas I chose to go further with the concept of having a friendly robotic vacum claner in the home. My initial thought would be that it is a communication or a hybrid between a vacum cleaner and an alexa. The reason being that the article was stating the price of havign several robots in the home might be a threshold for people to invest in robots - they need to buy many when they would like to have all solutions in one. From a cost perspevtive, this is more feasible for the many people.

In the second part of the ideation, I utilized an AI tool called Midjourney.

Before starting with a paper protyotype of the idea, i narrowed down the specification of what the solution would have.

I created a paper prototype based on the idea of personalising your robots. It was a combination of the AI ideation part with the initial idea of personalising your robots.

In the later step I opened Figma for the first time to start creating a low fidelity wireframe which you can find here https://www.figma.com/file/gNlRBbWMgEJywaPztwxrkg/Figma-Basics?node-id=225%3A443&t=nfoO8IflLrbW7ERs-1

Leland, J. (2022). Can Robots Save Nursing Homes? The New York Times. [online] 21 Apr. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/21/realestate/nursing-home-robots.html.

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