Week 9: Web design


Module 2


March 21, 2023

As I continue to work on my project, I realize how crucial web design is in creating a great user experience. It's not just about making a website or platform look pretty, but it's also about ensuring that it's functional and easy to navigate for the user. The color scheme, typography, and layout can all contribute to the user's overall experience and can even affect their mood and behavior on the site.

In my previous reflection on visual design, I mentioned how it's often associated with UI design, but I also believe it plays a significant role in UX design. The visual design of a website or platform can either enhance or detract from the user's experience, so it's important to consider it throughout the entire design process.

As I move forward with my project, I'll keep in mind the importance of web design and how it can impact the user's experience. I'll strive to create a visually appealing and user-friendly platform that not only looks good but also makes it easy for users to achieve their goals.

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